Construction-related injuries lawyers in Sacramento, CA, understand the financial strain a construction-related injury can put on you not to mention the significant health and wellness costs. Our skilled attorneys are ready to assist you with filing a personal injury or wrongful death claim if you or a loved one were hurt in a construction-related incident. You don't have to pay unless we win.
Any time you punch in at work might be the day that leads to a work-related injury. Millions of construction workers risk their lives on a daily basis in California.
To get benefits without having to show negligence, California has a worker’s compensation program. Such programs could pay injured employees for “on-the-job” injuries like as:
- Animal attached
- Assault at work
- Construction related injuries
- Exposure to loud noises
- Falling from heights
- Fights/assaults at work
- Hit by falling objects
- Machine entanglement
- Repetitive motion injury
- Slips, trips, and falls
- Strained muscle
- Traumatic event
- Vehicle crashes and collisions
- Wrongful death
If you are hurt or become ill as a direct result of your employment, workers’ compensation frequently covers your income and medical expenses. It is, however, essential to remember that worker’s compensation does not cover illnesses or injuries incurred off the clock or injuries incurred while doing things outside of your work responsibilities.
Finally, employee compensation is insurance for businesses. Employers obtain a policy from private insurers or special state funds to cover these expenses. If a worker files and the insurer approves a claim, this policy covers medical and wage benefits.
If you are hurt at work and your employer has a worker’s compensation policy, the “exclusive remedy rule” may apply. This implies that if one exists, you must utilize it. Unfortunately, these sorts of polices can be stringent, and they aren’t always enough to compensate injured employees for their losses.
If you have been hurt at work, you must contact an attorney immediately so that you can explore all of your choices, not just the ones your employer offers to you. Each situation is unique, and worker’s compensation might or may not be the route you want to pursue. Please contact us immediately so we can assist you in navigating your choices and selecting the best option for yourself, rather than your employer.
Construction sites may be a minefield of potential causes of injury. Any one of the following has the capacity to result in a construction-related accident:
- Animal infestation
- Defective construction equipment
- Damaged or unsafe scaffolding
- Damaged or unsafe stairways
- Fire hazards
- Inadequate lighting
- Wet floors
Gingery Hammer & Associates, LLP is a law firm located in Sacramento, California that provides knowledgeable legal counsel, assistance, information, and representation to individuals hurt on the job.