In August 2019, our 73-year old client, a Vietnam War Veteran and Lion Club Service Member, walked into a warehouse to pickup food for his church’s food closet. While he waited for his receipt, an employee transported several large stacks of crated bananas to the area where our client was standing. The stacks tipped and fell on our client, injuring his spinal cord. 43 days and several surgeries later, our client was released from the hospital as a “partial quadriplegic” with severe neurological deficits. His doctors could not say whether he would ever walk again. Since that time, he and his wife have dedicated their lives to getting him better. Though he remains limited, he has started to take steps with assistance and is regaining the use of his arms. Last weekend our Firm finalized a settlement in the amount of $7.5 million. We have never met a more deserving couple, and we know they look forward to getting on track and back to serving their community.