Project Completed!

In total we got 914 shields out to first responders and hospitals across the United States and even abroad! Yesterday we completed our project. We donated the remaining $1500 in the GoFundMe account to Lincoln High School’s engineering program in San Diego. We also donated the $900 printer we used to complete the project. As a thank you to everyone who helped us, we matched the $1500 donation and purchased another $900 printer to be donated to Hoover High School’s engineering program. This pushed us right up to almost $10,000 raised in total. Thank you to everyone again for helping us with this effort. Stay safe everyone!

3rd Goal Met: 800 Face Shields for COVID-19

We started our 3D printing journey two months ago with the goal of raising $1,000 and making a few hundred shields in six to eights weeks. Instead, we raised over $7,000 in just a few weeks and recently sent our 814th face shield out to those who need it most, our first responders and medical providers. These shields did not just go out in the San Diego community, but reached as far as Seattle, New York, and Tijuana.

Thank you to all of our partners and everyone who contributed their time and money to this effort over the last few months. We are still trying to hit that 1,000 mark, but the printers keep breaking! A big thank you to the Midway Post Office and Rotary International for helping us get these where they needed to go.

From us to you, we hope you and your families are safe and well! We will all get through this together!

Meet our new staff member!

karen hoey

karen hoeyOur new paralegal, Karen Hoey, grew up in San Diego, California. After graduating from Poway High School, she attended the University of California, Santa Cruz where she earned a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Psychology. After her graduation, Karen moved back to San Diego and attended the Paralegal Program at the University of San Diego.

Since that time, Karen has worked in many different areas of law, including personal injury, employment, construction defect, and real estate. She is excited to start working for plaintiffs and getting them the compensation they deserve.

Congratulations to our University City High School Mock Trial Team!

For the last 6 months, our own Daniel Schneiderman had the opportunity to coach a group of high schoolers from the University City High School for the annual San Diego High School Mock Trial Competition. These young adults put in 10 hours a week for 6 months to compete in the competition, eventually going on to win several awards and multiple rounds.

Congrats to all of you, and thank you for letting our Firm play a small part in your journey. The legal field is going to get a whole lot better once you all get out of law school!

Announcement Regarding the COVID19 Virus

Since the outbreak, our firm has remained open. However, for the health and safety of our employees and community, we have been working both remotely and in the office on an appointment basis.

We will continue to be 100% here and available for you and your family if and when you need us. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to set an appointment for a free consultation or have any questions or concerns during these trying times.

As always, thank you for your ongoing trust and support for us and our firm. We will always be here if and when you need us!

Help Our First Responders and Medical Providers!

We are pleased to announce that our firm and partnerships have been working to 3D print medical face shields to be donated to our medical providers and those fighting on the front lines of the COVID19 crisis.

Help us in the fight against COVID19! If you wish to donate or help us in this effort, please click on the link below for more information, and thank you as always for your support!

Click on this link for more information:

$7.5 Million Settlement for Spinal Cord Injury

In August 2019, our 73-year old client, a Vietnam War Veteran and Lion Club Service Member, walked into a warehouse to pickup food for his church’s food closet. While he waited for his receipt, an employee transported several large stacks of crated bananas to the area where our client was standing. The stacks tipped and fell on our client, injuring his spinal cord. 43 days and several surgeries later, our client was released from the hospital as a “partial quadriplegic” with severe neurological deficits. His doctors could not say whether he would ever walk again. Since that time, he and his wife have dedicated their lives to getting him better. Though he remains limited, he has started to take steps with assistance and is regaining the use of his arms. Last weekend our Firm finalized a settlement in the amount of $7.5 million. We have never met a more deserving couple, and we know they look forward to getting on track and back to serving their community.